One Tiny Seed
Music & Lyrics by Angie Killian & Lauren Gruwell
Watch the music video HERE
This crack the code game is for the bridge of "One Tiny Seed."
How to play:
Prep: Print out the letterstrips, cut on dotted lines
1) Affix the letterstrips to the board out of order
2) Sing the bridge
3) Ask the children what the letterstrips have to do with the song. Collect their answers, offer praise. If they figured the code out, move on to step 4. If they haven't gotten it yet, repeat steps 2-3.
4) Challenge the children to put the letterstrips in order as you continue singing the song.
5) When they are done, check their work, pointing to each letter as you go.
Extender activities:
A) Divide the room into halves. Ask one half to sing the green letters and one half to sing the blue letters while you sing the red letters. Alternate colors.
B) You can also replace one color at a time with a sound (such as clapping, patching, snapping) and sing the other colors.
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