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One Tiny Seed

Music & Lyrics by Angie Killian & Lauren Gruwell

Watch the music video HERE

These are printables to do what we did in the video. I would use this game as review once the children are pretty comfortable with the song.  You could use it for just the bridge or the whole song.


How to use this:

1) Print all of the tree pictures and assemble (it is 9 pages big and will make a 3x3 rectangle.)  Color if you feel inclined, but no pressure.  Print and cut out enough apples for your group.  You can print on colored paper or white paper.  You can also have the children color their apples.


2) Affix the tree to the board or a wall.


3) Briefly explain what fruits of the Spirit are.  What blessings are theirs because of faith? Ask the children and teachers to write one of their favorite fruits of faith on their apple and attach it to the tree.  While they are working on their apples, play the song (or just the bridge) multiple times.  Have them join in singing when they finish their apples.


4) Bear a 10-second testimony that the fruits of the Spirit bless our lives and the lives of those around us.  As we share those fruits with others, they, in turn, can plant seeds of faith in their hearts.

One Tiny Seed -"fruits of faith"


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