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One Tiny Seed

Music & Lyrics by Angie Killian & Lauren Gruwell

Watch the music video HERE

One Tiny Seed: Verse 1 Melody Map Match


How I use this map:



  • Print out the map and words landscape style.
  • Cut the word strips off the bottom of each page.
  • Attach the dots and line pages to the board, in order, with enough room to put the word strips below them. (You can likely do 2 rows of 6.)
  • Put the word pieces on the other side or at the bottom, out of order.


Ask the children what they notice. “What is the same?” “What is different?” “What do you see?” “What do you wonder?” Collect their answers, offer praise. Tell the children that the dots and lines have something to do with the song. Challenge them to figure it out as you sing the first verse.


After you have sung through the song once, ask the children what they learned. Collect their answers, offer praise (or say, “that is a great guess!” or “I like the way you think!” if the answers aren’t quite on track.)


Attach the first wordstrip below its corresponding map piece. Sing that phrase while pointing to the dots/line on the map piece. Tell the children you are going to sing the song again and challenge them to match word strips to the respective map pieces. I like to have them raise their hand, and I tap them on the shoulder to go to the board and move a piece.


Sing the song through a handful more times as they work it out. Ask questions like, “Why are some lines longer than others?” “Why are some dots going up and others going down?” “Do you see any patterns in the music?” Make sure to check their work at the end!


Extender activity:

Challenge the children to sing only the words represented by the black line. You sing the others. Then switch! See if they can sing the words represented by blue dots, and you sing the rest. Or assign a body rhythm to black lines (such as patting their knees) while singing the blue dots. Then switch, assigning a different body rhythm (such as clapping) to the blue dots and singing the black lined words.


Why I love melody maps:

Melody maps are a great way to help kids visualize the music. Melody maps show both the melody and rhythm in a concrete form. They are great for logic learners, visual learners, music learners, and lend well to movement activities. Melody maps are great for repetition (which the brain needs in order to memorize.) They are also super fun! (logic/music learner here!)


One Tiny Seed - verse 1 melody map match


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