One Tiny Seed
Music & Lyrics by Angie Killian & Lauren Gruwell
Watch the music video HERE
This download includes:
- Piano/vocal solo sheet music
- Authorization to print 2 copies of sheet music (one for pianist, one for vocal soloist)
- Permission to perform this song with one soloist
** If you have more than 2 vocalists, please purchase the group bundle
Please honor our copyright by making only as many physical copies as you purchased, never emailing these files to another person, and not uploading music to file-sharing websites (ie: scripd or Musescore) or YouTube.
Thank you!
**Note: this is a digital download; once your purchase goes through, you will receive an email with download instructions. No physical products will be shipped to you.
**If you have any issues with your order or do not receive an email within 30 minutes, please email me at**
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