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Risen for Me – verse 1 color code


How to use a color code:


  • Display the code on the board.  Ask the children, “What do you see? What do you notice? What is the same? What do you wonder?”  Collect their answers, offer praise.  (This should take less than one minute.)
  • Say, “These shapes have something to do with a song we are learning. See if you can figure it out.”
  • Sing through the song.  When finished, ask them what they learned.  Collect answers, offer praise.
  • Sing through the song again.  If they struggled the first time, point to each shape as you sing.  When finished, ask them what they learned.  Collect answers, offer praise.
  • Repeat until they have figured out most of the shapes and symbols or it is time to move on to the next activity.


** Extender questions: songwriters often use a literary tool called “alliteration” when writing lyrics.  “Alliteration” means repeating beginning sounds of words or using them close together.  Can you find any examples of alliteration in this song?  Hint: look at the colors for help.  (Some examples: “Songbirds Celebrate,” “Flowers Fill,” “Grass is Growing Green,” “Hallelujah! Hallelujah! He…,” “Goodness He is Grace,” and “His Power and His Peace”)


** I would only use this activity with older children.  If you have a mixed group, you can have the younger children put together puzzles or color a picture while you do this activity.


** I like to print the maps "poster size" (so each page takes up 4 pages, 2x2.  This helps everyone see better.





Orange: words that start with S

Pink: words that start with F

Green: words that start with G

Purple: words that start with H

Blue: words that start with R

Yellow: words that start with P

Grey: all other words


Hearts: words that refer to Jesus Christ

Triangles: words that refer to oneself

Rainbows: “Hallelujah!”

Squares: words that refer to time (day/hour)

Arrows: “risen”

Circles: all other words


Outlined shapes: rhyming or (near rhyming) words

Risen for Me - verse 1 color code

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