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This is an abstract melody map for the chorus of "Sing for a King."


I love these because there are so many ways to use them.  Basically, you attach the map to the board, in order, and follow along as you sing, asking the children for insights about the different shapes and colors. 

You can have the children trace with their finger in the air (be sure to ask the little ones which color their pretend crayon is!) or give them something to hold as you follow the map.  For the map, I love finger lights, egg shakers, or ribbon wants. 

You can assign a specific movement to each shape, such as shaking the eggs or waving the ribbon wands quickly on the straight lines.  Have fun with it!


I always like to give the children a reason to sing the song again.  You can do that by asking meaningful questions.  Here are some examples:

  • How many times do we do the big red circles?
  • What words do we sing on the red circles?
  • Why does the last pair of red circles move?
  • What do you notice about the green squiggly lines?
  • Why are the two pages different?
  • What do we do when the song says "King"?
  • Are there other words that have the same actions?
  • Why is one dot higher than the other?



Sing for the King - abstract map (chorus only)


    © 2024 Angie Killian Music LLC

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