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He Lives Again - teaching resources

It has been such a joy for Joelle and me to watch this cute little Easter song take off and spread throughout the world. If you are looking for some resources to teach this song, I have created/commissioned a few ideas for you below.

If you are short on time and feel like it might be a struggle to teach the whole song, I would pattern the performance after the video using soloists or duets for the verses and have the choir join on the choruses. They'll pick it up in no time at all!


Children LOVE to watch other children sing. The music video is great to show the children during practice or send the link to the parents to watch during the week. You can also turn on captions by clicking the "CC" at the bottom right of the video.


I commissioned my cute neighbor, Emily Parker, to create these beautiful illustrations. There are 13 unique, fully colored illustrations (33 pages total).

With so many children being "visual learners," illustrations are always a fun idea!!


Emily also made coloring pages!


How to use this map:

1) Pint (if I have a big group, I like to print "poster-size" with 4 sheets of paper per page). Affix to board out of order.

2) Ask the children: What do you see? What do you wonder? What is the same? What is different?

3) Challenge the children to figure out what the map has to do with the song. Sing the song. Ask the children what they learned. If they are still figuring it out, sing the song again, tapping a few key notes on the board. Ask the children to help you put it in the correct order.

4) Challenge the children to figure out what each symbol represents. Sing the song again. Collect their answers and offer praise. Repeat until they have learned all of the symbols.

5) Ask them how many times the chorus sings, "Gloria!" Collect answers, check work, offer praise.

6) Challenge the children to sing only the "Glorias" while you sing the rest of the chorus. Challenge the children to sing the rest of the song while you sing the "Glorias."

**If I were to use this with a younger group, I would keep the maps in the correct order.


yellow sunbursts: "Gloria!"

red hearts: Jesus/the Lamb/He

green arches: Risen/Lives Again

purple diamond: "praise"

pink Js: words that start with J (join/joyful)

blue circle: "earth"

orange speak bubble: "chorus"

How to use this color code with younger children:

Attach the pictures to the board in the correct order. Ask the children what they see. What is the same? What is different? Tell the children that the shapes have something to do with the song. Sing through the entire song, outlining the corresponding shapes as you sing. Ask the children what the shapes have to do with the song. Collect answers, praise. Ask the children to outline the shapes in the air the next time you sing the song. Repeat 2-3 times or until the children can correctly identify the shapes.


I use this the exact same way in senior primary, but I don't outline the shapes or ask them to outline them with me. I also put it in the wrong order and have them figure out the correct order. (Don't tell them, they'll figure it out too quickly.)


These beautiful pictures represent the lyrics in the verses of "He Lives Again."

How to use these images:

1) Puzzles: Cut each picture into a simple 3-4 piece puzzle. Attach them to the board, mixing the pieces for each puzzle. As you sing the verse multiple times, tap on a child's shoulder to go to the board and move a puzzle piece. Do this until all of the puzzles are finished. Sing the song one final time, asking the children to point to the correct picture as you sing.

**Note: I would only teach one verse at a time.


Are there any other teaching resources you'd like to see? Send me an email, and I'll see what I can do!



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