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Ready to Rise - video shoot

READY TO RISE VIDEO Have you ever wondered what it is like to come to one of our music video shoots? They are all so different, and I love every single experience. There is something magical about filming days, but Ready to Rise was different than any other. It was truly an unforgettable experience, and we had the most wonderful time together.

It started the day before when we piled several cars full of young people from Idaho and central Utah and drove down to St. George. That night we gathered with youth from St. George and Las Vegas for food, fun, music, and stories. We wanted everyone to get to know each other before we filmed the next day. Most of these teens didn't know each other, so it was really fun to bring them together for a night centered on Christ and connection. I got to share one of my favorite stories, which always makes me happy.

After a (somewhat sleepless) night, we woke up well before the sun to get ready for what may be my favorite music video experience of all time. We got to Pioneer Park when it was completely dark and started our ascent while the moon was still high in the sky. As the sun started to peak on the eastern horizon, the incredible Josh Sales filmed the first of 100+ takes.

The spirit we felt during the shoot was tangible, and the youth radiated light, hope, and love. While shooting, we noticed several early morning hikers (and their dogs) creeping closer and closer to our group. Seeing that this song and these teenagers were already impacting others was awesome.

We filmed for about 4 hours (one of the most extended video shoots of all time) and then went back to Joelle’s condo where the kids swam, and the adults reminisced about the magic of the morning. We had so much fun together and formed bonds that I hope will continue long into the future.

I will be forever grateful that Joelle slid into my DMs in 2021 and brought this team together. I love working with her and Chelsea and James. We are blessed just as Ammon “that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work.” (Alma 26:3)


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